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Health & Wellness

New Jersey has some of the most well-respected health systems in the country, yet accessing care for residents remains difficult.

Access to Care - Insurance red tape and coverage complexity limits access for New Jersey residents to many medications and tests, prolonging suffering and endangering lives. Jon will push for systemic reform to improve medication access, reduce red tape, and make insurance costs & coverage decisions more timely and transparent.

Mental Healthcare - In New Jersey, like the rest of the country, we struggle to meet the need of those with mental health needs. Jon supports expanding access to outpatient and inpatient psychiatric facilities, providers and resources to help address the ongoing needs for patients. This includes strengthening resources for addiction and recovery support.

Women's Health Autonomy is under siege, and Jon believes in working to secure their bodily autonomy. He supports improving safe access to reproductive healthcare, screenings and treatment throughout the state. Jon will also work to expand resources and efforts to improve maternal health outcomes in New Jersey for all pregnant individuals.

LGBTQIA+ - Jon supports improving healthcare access for the LGBTQIA+ community, providing safe, welcoming & affirming care, as well as enshrining ongoing protections into law. He will work to expand access to top-notch health care, including gender-affirming care and access to PREP & PEP.

Education for the 21st Century

Jon believes we must invest in our children and our community's future.

Modernizing Education - He will fight to innovate New Jersey Education, strengthening secondary, collegiate and trades education programs to prepare our children for the jobs of tomorrow.

Innovation, rapidly expanding technology, a more connected world and evolving teaching methodologies should strengthen New Jersey education at every level.

Building the bench - Jon also believes we need to strengthen our public schools: make teacher pay competitive to retain highly qualified local teachers and build programming to train and attract the best teachers to our state.

Educational Partnerships - Jon believes in expanding partnerships between secondary schools, community colleges and state universities to reduce the financial burden for a quality education while developing programming to better prepare New Jersey students for success.

Affordability in New Jersey

Government services can be expensive. Jon believes in improving access to services for residents and improving their quality of life while also being fiscally responsible.

Veterans & retirees - Jon will work to make New Jersey more affordable for veterans and retirees to stay in the state. He will support the development of tax innovations and housing programs to help longtime New Jersey residents stay in New Jersey.

Infrastructure - Jon also believes in building community resources to help families live and thrive in New Jersey. He will work to improve schools, parks, and infrastructure and pursue efficient use of public funds.

Reducing Waste - Jon will closely scrutinize current and proposed spending, with a focus on reducing waste, improving efficiency, and optimizing outcomes for our communities.

Liberty - Individual Freedom

Our Democracy was founded on the belief that each of us is born with inalienable rights: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Jon supports legislation to protect these inalienable rights from government efforts to interfere with personal health and relationship decisions. Jon will work to secure our personal freedoms.

Life - Rights to Reproductive Privacy, a woman's right to be in charge of how and when she grows her family, to protect rights to contraception and fertility care for all, and expanding access to safe, high quality maternal health care. Jon believes in the sanctity of the compact between a woman and her doctor, and in the exclusion of government from these discussions.

Liberty - Jon believes that who we love or how we identify should not be used to limit our privacy or liberty. He supports efforts to secure legislation to protect gender affirming care, marital equality, and personal privacy.

Happiness - Jon advocates to limit government's role in limiting our access to what brings us joy. Here in the Garden State, we are entitled to privacy in pursuing what brings us joy. Whether you find happiness in whom you love, building your family as you see fit, seeking higher education, or pursuing a career of your choice, government's role should not be to limit them, but rather to support them.

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